NWPC President Deidre Malone (far right) and MOWPC President Teona McGhaw-Ward (far left) and 2024 MOWPC Convention Trailblazer Award Winners: Back row, from left to right back row: Bonnaye Mims, Rebecca Richardson, Mary Ratliff, Gracia Backer, State Senator Karla May, Dana Sandweiss, Kansas City Mayor Pro-Tem Ryana Parks-Shaw, M’Evie Meade, Sarah Felts, Mayor Sharon Pace; front row, from left to right: Sally Barker, Betty Van Um, Susan Block, Marcia Mellitz.

2024 Convention Sponsors: Virginia NWPC and Washington NWPC.

The Missouri Women’s Political Caucus (MoWPC) is a multi-partisan organization dedicated to the election and appointment of qualified pro-choice women to public office. In pursuing our mission, we seek to identify, support and/or endorse women who are running for statewide elected office and for the Missouri General Assembly living in an area without a local caucus.  We also may make recommendations to the National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC) for women running for federal office.

join the movement. become a Mowpc member

Frustrated watching as the reproductive freedoms of women are being eroded? Get involved with our Missouri caucuses and help us recruit, train and elect pro-choice women to office, as well as engage our elected officials to make our voices heard as they make policy. MoWPC members:

  • Get pro-choice women elected

  • Screen, endorse, and financially support state and local candidates

  • Train potential candidates and campaign volunteers

  • Recruit volunteers to canvass, contact, and phone bank for candidates

  • Hold educational forums on legislative issues

  • Provide educational programs on getting involved in the political process

  • Lobby cooperatively with organizations in Jefferson City and Topeka

  • Foster youth engagement in progressive politics across the state through the MoWPC Ambassadors Program


Youth Ambassadors

The MOWPC Youth Ambassador Program is a groundbreaking new opportunity for 18-25 year old women to get involved politically, help regain access to abortion, and advocate for women's healthcare, childcare, and the ERA. The diverse group from across the state, but hey stand united in their desire to make Missouri a better place for all of us!

Several of them traveled with us to the National Convention Aug. 10-13, thanks to the generous donations of Maxine Clark and other supporters. We appreciate your helping give them this valuable chance to connect with others across the country and share their voices and ideas.

mowpc endorses rep. Crystal Quade for missouri governor



Spirit Online

"Spirit Online" is a program that is designed to bring together women from the rural areas of Missouri.  St. Louis, Jefferson City/Columbia and Kansas City have active National Women's Political Caucus groups with easy access for those who reside there. NWPC Spirit Online seeks to reach out to women in rural areas where caucuses are not viable and to provide many of the resources that "in person" caucuses have.