MoWPC 124 St Stanislaus Ct. Florissant, Mo 63031
MoWPC 124 St Stanislaus Ct. Florissant, Mo 63031
The Ambassador Program is an opportunity for pro-choice people ages 18-25 to participate in an established, non-profit grassroots organization that is dedicated to ensuring the education and election of pro-choice women candidates in local, State Representative, and State Senate races.
Once accepted, the program will be tailored to the applicant’s interests and availability, and requiring availability of 3-5 hours per week.
MOWCP Ambassadors will:
Assist in social media outreach
Propose student/young adult-friendly events
Serve as liaison to student groups/networks
Participate in 2-3 MOWPC events
Benefits include:
Eligibility for mentorship programs and sponsorships
Relationship building with current and past elected officials at all levels of state government
Recognition on MOWPC website/social media
Program managed by:
Kayla McCain, MOWPC Ambassador Chair and Founding Member
Janessa Riehle, MOWPC Ambassador and graduate student
What a great group of women joined us. We look forward to working with you!