MoWPC 124 St Stanislaus Ct. Florissant, Mo 63031
MoWPC 124 St Stanislaus Ct. Florissant, Mo 63031
On May 29, 2020 a state judge ruled against an attempt by Gov. Mike Parson’s administration to shut down the lone abortion clinic in Missouri.
In a 97-page decision, Administrative Hearing Commissioner Sreenivasa Rao Dandamudi said Planned Parenthood demonstrated that it meets the requirements for renewal of its abortion facility license in St. Louis.
With Eye On 2020 And Abortion Laws, National Women’s Political Caucus To Convene In St. Louis
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Margo McNeil and Paula Owen Willmarth named Convention Co-Chairs
“This is no time for the inexperienced”, said Donna Lent, National President. Nancy Pelosi made history in 2007 as the first woman appointed as Speaker of the House and spearheaded very important legislation. Beginning with the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act,
“This is not the time for generational change to House leadership. There is too much at stake, continued Lent.” Pelosi’s efforts led Democrats to victory resulting in the flurry of younger Democrats with 35 new seats and counting with record numbers of women elected.
Nancy Pelosi seeks re-election as Speaker and we strongly support her in that effort. She is intelligent, competent and her tenacity makes her the only qualified person to lead as Speaker in these critical times. She is a fighter for the American people, known for not backing down whether it is in defense of The Affordable Care Act, Dodd Frank or DACA.
The National Women’s Political Caucus, without hesitation, strongly supports Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House of Representatives.
The NWPC, founded in 1971, is a national, multi-partisan, grassroots membership organization dedicated to identifying, recruiting, training and supporting women candidates for elected and appointed office. The NWPC elected to endorse both women candidates in the general election.
Statement by Margo McNeil , President, MoWPC
We, of the Missouri Women’s Political Caucus (MoWPC) BELIEVE WOMEN. We believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. We believe Deborah Ramirez. We believe Julie Swetnick. We believe these gutsy survivors coming forth bravely to speak to the character of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who seeks to sit in judgment of the laws of this nation, who seeks to become the next Supreme Court Justice of these United States.
The person selected for this position should be of impeccable character and good will. The troubling yet credible allegations against Judge Kavanaugh create doubt and distrust. The American people deserve a Justice they trust to respect the rights and dignity of all. Judge Kavanaugh is not that person and should be asked to withdraw.
MoWPC believes and encourages women to be full partners with men and be fully participating members of this society.
We, the members of the MoWPC – stand with these gutsy women, applaud them for coming forth now and the brave #metoo survivors who decidedthat enough is enough. We pledge to do our part to dismantle the culture of sexual exploitation & rape that has been allowed to exist for so very long. MoWPC’s energy, resources and efforts will continue to stay focused on putting forth the “Pink Wave” to elect more progressive pro-choice women on November 6th.
Join our efforts!
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The National Women’s Political Caucus stands with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. We believe her, and we support her. The National Women’s Political Caucus also strongly believes that the President should call for an FBI investigation on Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, as it is warranted and necessary for the safety and integrity of our nation.
The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee should recommend that the President call for a full investigation of the sexual assault claims, as well as support Dr. Ford by reputing attacks made to her and her family and provide security during this time.
This is beyond politics. This is beyond partisanship. This is about the appointment of an alleged sexual predator to a lifetime position on the highest court in the United States. The failure of the President and the U.S. Senate to support a full FBI investigation on Judge Kavanaugh demonstrates their lack of respect for all women and their extreme indifference to the crime of sexual assault.
The National Women’s Political Caucus stands with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. We stand with all survivors of sexual assault.